Operational Excellence

The Keys to your success

Connected Excellence
Human Resources
Culture of Excellence
People Excellence
Health and Wellbeing
4 W Programme
Organisational Excellence
Operational Excellence
Competency Based Performance
Stress Management and Resilience
Communities of Excellence
Excellence Academy
Lean 6 Sigma
Change and Transformation
A New Way to Assess Performance

Operational Excellence

Excellence is not just about eliminating waste. It’s about unlocking the full and whole potential of an organisation to develop, improve and perform. By following an agreed and bespoke step-by-step programme, an organisation can achieve and thrive in short time.

The mature and progressive model of Organisation Development, Continuous Improvement and Sustainable Growth practised by IiE is based on a Capability Maturity Model Integration methodology appraised against the staircase of organisational performance.

Once the organisation is aligned to The Principles of Excellence, excellence needs to be embedded into everything the business does. Monitoring, measuring, reviewing and responding ensures improvement is sustainable.

IiE follows a process of Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA), then repeats this cycle continuously in real-time to create a culture of excellence, continuous improvement and sustainable growth.

The journey to excellence and success is not just about eliminating waste. It’s about the High-Performance Business System approach focusing on the positive, seeking solutions, and not the negative, firefighting problems.

Operational Excellence includes:


Supporting and understanding the HR function to develop human capability and unlock full potential.


Continually map, manage and revise processes to maximise operational excellence.


Building the corporate brand; providing knowledge, tools and training to enable people to fulfil business objectives.


Addressing the organisation’s talent and performance needs and requirements.

For further information please contact us