The European Excellence Centre
Many businesses and organisations talk about being centres of excellence, but this is predominantly about one area speciality, such as manufacturing excellence, or a collective term for professional intelligence, such as teaching excellence
The case for establishing The European Excellence Centre (EEC) is the intent for a premier collaboration based in the Banku Augstskola School of Business and Finance (BA), Riga, Latvia to provide an exceptional product or service in a clearly defined way to enhance the capacity and capabilities of technology, business, research or government, consistent with the unique requirements and competencies of the Investors in Excellence (IiE) Standard.
Fundamental to the success of this venture is the establishment of EEC at the institutional level of BA and for BA to continue to be recognised as an Investor in Excellence, award of Ambassador status (currently attained by the last assessment score) and Excellency status at the earliest opportunity.
With the development of the BA Campus and broadening of the subject base, EEC will lead the way for other higher education establishments, businesses and organisations to draw their work closer to the EEC core.
This defining section would not be complete without recognition of the synergy between IiE Connected Excellence and BA as a Connected University. The moment is opportune to drive business excellence from the centre of Latvia by EEC, collaborating with the very best the establishing partners bring to the fore.