Facilitation can help improve your team performance.

bus meeting

Facilitation can bring great benefits to organisations. The use of an external facilitator to achieve progress towards goals and objectives, allows an approach that is both effective and non-threatening, and encourages the participants of meetings and groups to attain their fullest potential.

Some of the positive consequences of this type of facilitation are shown below. The role of a facilitator varies depending upon the specific needs of the organisation, and at IiE we have a range of specialists with experience in all types of organisations and scenarios that have benefited from their assistance.

Effective use of time and money

Our expert facilitators can help reduce the cost of bringing people together, whether face-to-face or for a virtual meeting. We can help the group accomplish more in less time, and reduce the need for excessive multiple meetings, as well as being able to generate consistent forward momentum on the relevant issues being discussed.


A good facilitator encourages the participation of all, and at the same time manages the tendency for some group members to dominate the conversation and meeting. The balance of contributions from those who are traditionally quiet or reticent and those who do not always take the views of the leader or the majority, is a vital skill in creating the most effective dynamic for the items being addressed. Participation and respectful listening will give greater understanding, and a better chance of reaching a sustainable decision.

Recording results

Positive dynamic discussions can produce a lot of information and ideas. As an independent party, the facilitator can summarise the various statements in consistent ways that give weight to all the different voices, and help to identify areas of agreement and issues that are still unresolved.

Enhancing the creation of outcomes

After eliciting the full spectrum of views, the facilitator can – where relevant – encourage the group to generate previously unconsidered, creative solutions that can resolve apparent differences. The group is then able to design agreements that can be supported by all members, and allow a true sense of shared ownership.

At IiE our experts operate facilitation in a variety of contexts including strategy reviews, team meetings, project groups, workshops, and problem solving. Contact us to find out more about how we can help you.