…your organisation’s values or core behaviours? Do you say what you mean and do what you say? If you aspire to business excellence and continuous improvement, embedding values within your organisation is a must.
In recent months, the impact of Welfare Reform has rarely been out of the press. For once, the tabloids and the broadsheets broadly agree that times are particularly tough for many vulnerable Britons hit by the so-called ‘Bedroom Tax’, amongst other cuts in their benefits. Now, more than ever, perhaps, social landlords have a duty to act responsibly towards their tenants – but how can that ‘duty’ be embedded within the very fabric of the social housing sector? A values statement is a good place to start…
The value of a values statement
Excellent organisations invest time and energy in devising a set of organisational values, i.e. a defined list of standards that all should embrace within the organisation. This sets the basis for leadership and management behaviours, and shapes the culture of the organisation. If the values are truly embedded within the organisation, they will be in evidence throughout the organisation. Excellent leaders, moreover, will act as role models for the organisation’s values and demonstrate their commitment to them.
Top Tip
If your organisation’s values are expressed as key words (e.g. ‘Honesty’, ‘Trust’, ‘Openness’, etc.), then a corresponding explanation can be useful to illustrate the meaning within the organisation.
For social landlords, then, developing a values statement is a great way to signpost how serious you are about acting responsibly towards your tenants – and if you really want to impress them, why not aspire to excellence in all that you do? The experts at Investors in Excellence are here to help you do just that!
To find out more about the Investors in Excellence Standard or our business improvement programmes call the team on +44 (0)121 746 3150 or complete our simple online form.