South Derbyshire District Council Housing Services is a Local Authority Housing Department providing landlord services to the social housing sector.
It is the main housing provider in the district with stock totaling 3,049 properties, comprising of 2,037 general purpose dwellings and 1,012 supported housing dwellings.
Services delivered include responsive repairs, planned improvements, rent accounting and recovery, tackling anti-social behaviour and Supported Housing Services to tenants and provide a strategic housing function, a common housing register via Choice Based Lettings and homelessness advice and prevention to all residents.
The main customer base is tenants and applicants for housing but the organisation also have responsibilities to all residents of South Derbyshire through strategic functions. In 2008 the service was awarded 2 stars and excellent prospects for improvement by the Audit Commission for Strategic Housing.
Bob Ledger, Head of Housing commented “The process of working toward the IiE Standard was an ideal opportunity to self assess against key operational and business criteria whilst looking at how other organisations promote excellence. The assessment has helped us to promote and recognise our significant strengths and action potential areas for improvement.”
The organisation has stressed that the IiE Standard has been a valuable tool in focussing the organisations efforts on continuous improvement. The criteria of the Standard encompass all aspects of the business and provides an honest self assessment of where an organisation is, whilst identifying objectives to achieve excellence and maintain it.
Mr Ledger went on to comment “We are absolutely delighted to be recognised as an Investor in Excellence. We’ve been on a journey of improvement and the award reflects the contributions of everyone involved who should all be very proud. The comments of the assessor endorse the hard work staff have put in on behalf of our residents and communities. We will continue to focus the efforts of the housing department on providing excellent services for South Derbyshire.”
Congratulations once again to South Derbyshire District Council Housing Services for achieving the IiE Standard.