B3Living – Better homes, better communities, better business
Formerly called Broxbourne Housing Association, thousands of people benefit from its high quality homes and services.
It works in partnership with a range of organisations to sustain and regenerate communities along the Lea Valley.
B3Living has achieved the Investors in Excellence Standard after demonstrating “a clear commitment to providing excellent services to residents and communities”.
The comprehensive feedback report found that B3Living delivers more than housing by supporting employment opportunities and training initiatives within Broxbourne communities and by encouraging volunteering among staff. The Investors in Excellence Standard identifies the very best approaches to excellence, helping organisations to excel in the areas that matter most to their customers, staff and stakeholders.
Judy Hart, Head of Business Development at Investors in Excellence, said: “Throughout the assessment, a clear commitment to providing excellent service to residents and communities was evident. B3Living’s values could be seen to be applied at every level.”
Investors in Excellence reported that B3Living is planning for the future by looking at its communities and recruiting new staff to support residents through welfare reform. The report also commented that over the last four years employee satisfaction has risen at B3Living, having been measured annually using the Best Companies approach. B3Living was ranked 4th in the Not for Profit Sector Sunday Times Best Companies list in 2013.
Many congratulations to all at B3Living