Following the launch of Investors in Excellence International Limited it is a great pleasure to welcome the Baltic International Academy to the IiE Family.
The Baltic International Academy (BIA) has committed to become an Investor in Excellence. Eager to demonstrate to the wider world that the University is driven by quality and excellence, Investors in Excellence (IiE) International Limited has confirmed a development programme which will lead to assessment of the Academy against the prestigious IiE Standard, whole organisational performance management framework.
The valued commitment was made by Inta Buka, Vice Rector for International Affairs, and Nikita Nikiforovs on behalf of the BIA Board. As Nikita Nikiforovs had said: ” We are happy to become member of IIE family, as our commitment to higher standards in management and educational processes is constant and comprehensive through entire existence of BIA”Judy Hart, IiE’s Chief Executive has thanked the team at BIA for their commitment. “IiE has worked in Latvia for more than 10 years, particularly in the Higher Education Sector. BIA is successfully developing in a very tough environment and a sector where there has been major change in recent years. A robust performance management framework will help underpin the development of operational and organisational excellence and help this establishment stay strong and build sustainably.
Recognition as an Investor in Excellence will not only provide a valuable endorsement but also show students and stakeholders, Board and Staff how well the University is developing holistically.”
About Baltic International Academy
BIA was founded in 1992 and is one of the largest private (non-governmental) higher educational institutions in the Baltic States. BIA’s teaching staff include 100 Doctors of Science and Professors.
Here are some figures representing the Academy in the training period 2022-2023:
• 1517 students out of which 800 are full-time students.
• More than 30,000 Graduates
• Multinational study environment with more than 300 foreign students from over 28 countries.
• Branches spread across 7 locations in Latvia connected throughout the academic process via conferences
To watch the video of the IiE Practitioner in Latvia, presenting the Commitment certificate to BIA Vice-Rector for International Relations and BIA Rector please click here.