Productivity – how to get the best improvements

productivityProductivity in construction, housing, and the wider built environment sector is a major factor in protecting and improving an organisation’s position within its markets.

Learning from the experiences of others is a way to build a competitive advantage, and not spend time, money, and resources on making the wrong choices in a project.

IiE has an established set of approaches and business tools for you and your organisation to use to boost performance and productivity.

Tools and Techniques

There is a wide variety of tools and techniques to use for improving productivity, and IiE has developed a proven and robust Business Improvement Toolkit, from which you are able to select the most effective solution. Productivity can be raised in areas such as processes, people, quality management, and resourcing, and these solutions can be tailored to meet your organisation’s specific needs. All of these tools are capable of being scaled and replicated to serve teams, departments, and whole organisations.

Lean Reviews

Lean is a systematic, continuous improvement approach that concentrates on creating more value for customers by eliminating “waste” activities. Waste is an activity or process that does not add value, but uses resources, cost, or time. Lean can provide the foundation for widespread organisational improvement. To “think lean” is to switch from an internal to an external focus, and is increasingly being applied across service sectors as well as manufacturing where lean had its origins.

IiE can assist you in reviewing the five main principles of lean:

  • Specify what creates customer value.
  • Identify all the steps which deliver customer value.
  • Make sure those steps flow better.
  • Deliver value when the customer wants it, not when you want to supply it.
  • Seek perfection by continually removing layers of waste.

Benefits of lean include:

  • Significantly reduced lead times / doubling of inventory turnover;
  • Significant reduction in floorspace requirements;
  • Significant increase in overall equipment effectiveness;
  • Higher productivity with quality improvements;
  • Improved customer satisfaction
  • Reduced costs and improved profitability.

Productive Project Management

How productive is your organisation with regard to projects? Are your project managers often frustrated with the project culture or lack of support? You can address certain things to make sure your project culture is supportive and productive.

  • Take individual responsibility in ensuring project success
  • Address management’s issues about project management
  • Link project management with quality processes
  • Ensure the project contributes to the organisation’s strategy
  • Establish and measure project success criteria
  • Recognise and reward job performance on projects

Why and How?

Productivity is a true measure that can demonstrate performance improvement on a continuous basis, and it will lend itself to peer driven culture change in the process of achieving enhanced customer-centric outcomes. The best possible results for your customers will reflect the evolution of your operation into one that is truly excellent.


Organisations that IiE has worked with have achieved consistent and sustainable results. Independent reviews have reported a return on investment of up to 19:1 where IiE has helped to implement solutions in partnership with the customer’s executive, management and people across forward-thinking organisations.


IiE workshops are available with our specialists to address all of these areas – so contact us for more details. We are sure it will be a productive use of your time.