Justin Urquhart Stewart Weekly Update – UK Housing

Justin is one of the most recognisable and trusted market commentators on television, radio, and in the press.


Originally trained as a lawyer, he has observed the retail market industry for 20 years whilst at Barclays Stockbrokers and developed a unique understanding of the market’s roles and benefits for the private investor.

Each week we will bring you Justin’s latest thoughts and commentry.

UK HOUSING – Read the full article here.

When it comes to housing policy, Governments of all hues look like desperate men trying to catch an untrained dog. The more they shout, the further away it runs, then they go one direction and it will go the other. This has been carrying on for decades with little realisation that some more radical action is going to be necessary.

The FT had some interesting figures which highlight our housing failures, when you see that between April 1969 and April 1979 we started an average of 260,000 dwellings in England. Then if we roll forward to 2008- 9 this reduced to a paltry 88,000 and then by 2014 -15 increased marginally to 138,000.

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