Three case studies from housing organisations provided inspiration for housing professionals at the CIH Midlands conference held on the 18-19th May at the Ramada, Sutton Coldfield.
This year’s conference had a focused theme on demonstrating how housing professionals can continue to deliver excellent services in these challenging times. Our work within the housing sector has helped organisations with some of these key challenges.
Orbit Heart of England showed how support from IiE Ltd provided a catalyst for dramatic improvements in customer satisfaction, voids performance and generated substantial efficiency savings to their business – savings of over £250,000 have been identified!
The momentum gained from our Lean DMAIC programme has created a snowball effect of ongoing continuous improvement that has made a lasting impact on how the organisation manages voids performance.
Secrets to the success of the project was the engagement of the frontline staff across the housing, surveying and trades teams. Over a series of sessions, the team worked together to identify what the problems were and after analysing the root causes came up with innovative approaches that were workable. IiE’s action learning approach means that OHE is now able to undertake its own reviews using this methodology.
Click here for the full presentation
Property Care a subsidiary of Housing Plus, showed how a people led approach to improvement using IiE’s Lean DMAIC toolkit can bring not only substantial outcomes but generate a real engagement of those involved in delivering services. Customer satisfaction has increased by 10%, Productivity has increased by 10%, Staff satisfaction by 20% and business financial performance is now contributing a surplus to the group.
IiE worked with a group of frontline staff over a number of workshops to not only equip them with the lean and continuous improvement tools and techniques but to coach and support them to deliver their improvement projects.
This project combined with a programme of leadership and business change has enabled the organisation to make some substantial improvements in performance.
Click here for the full presentation.
Stafford and Rural Homes showed how powerful it can be to involve customers in assessing excellence within an organisation. This inspirational workshop presented by staff and customers showed how positive the excellence assessor training that IiE provided for their scrutiny panel members.
The project in conjunction with South Staffordshire Housing Association has provided scrutiny panel members with not only a grounding in the knowledge of excellence but the skills and confidence to assess excellence.
Click here for the full presentation
For more information on how we can help your organisation achieve similar benefits contact us by clicking here.
To read any of these case studies in full please click here