Excellence – do you have the golden thread?

excellenceExcellence in your organisation will serve to improve what you do. However, there is a danger that it is inconsistent, and some areas are ignored at the expense of others. To make you organisation truly great, you need to examine the path that is taken by your efforts to introduce excellence in your operational areas. Can you trace the golden thread across all of your activities? The Investors in Excellence Standard covers the whole of your organisation, and allows you to check that you have considered all parts of what you do in relation to excellence.

What Matters Most

At first glance a simple question but, without exception, this is the most impactful and searching question our clients take away, whether that be through an introductory engagement or an in-depth improvement programme. (more..)


Leading involves achieving what matters most by unifying the entire organisation and creating a successful culture where people constantly excel. The Leading element of the Investors in Excellence Standard helps you to anticipate changes and trends as well as produce sensible plans. Good leaders ensure that What Matters Most in their organisation is clearly defined and consistently achieved for the benefit of all stakeholders. (more..)


The Resourcing element ensures all resources are managed and maximised to drive efficiency as well as achieve business growth. The Investors in Excellence Standard supports you in selecting the right partnerships and these are designed to add value through collaborative working. (more..)


The Delivering element helps you focus on key polices within your organisation. Processes are reviewed and improved to support ongoing success including What Matters Most. Managing and understanding your customer’s needs and wants, delivering quality products and services time after time and maintaining effective communications are all sensible approaches that collectively support a long-term sustainable business. (more..)


The Achieving element is the cornerstone of success and helps you ensure that What Matters Most to your organisation is achieved. The Leading, Resourcing and Delivering elements each require their own set of balanced measures. Aligning your organisation’s measures with agreed strategies enables you to monitor progress as well as take appropriate and timely actions that enhance performance. (more..) To see how strong your golden thread of excellence might be, try using our free Web of Excellence tool. It will show you where your strengths and areas for improvement lie.